Wednesday, December 3, 2008 ++
this year's birthday celebration was an ultimate celebration that one shall never miss = ME!! hehe
I celebrated my birthday at Go Go KTV with a group of ex-TunTijah + Munshi classmates..
there were about 11 of us cramped into a so called medium size room that fits biggo size people like us.. we were abit shocked to directed into what's look a medium room to us, coz we didnt quite expected it , but it was okay when everybody showed up
luckily later it didnt get stuffy and all
when we first entered the room it was freakin damn cold that we asked them to increase the temperature twice!
i just noticed my blog function has no emoticon. damn.......
its our antique that u will know when ur friends wanna celebrate birthday for u when they give a hint or two like a week in advance :D
so i pretty much know what were the plans in their mind and who were the people who will be invited.. hehe sorry.. i know im a spoiler, but i pretty much can guess :D kekeke
alrite, say no more, here are the pics! :)
but nonetheless the thoughts of surrounded by all these people makes me feel very much appreciated on my special day :) i have a Queen treatment from everybody on that day. so being the ebil girl that i am, better abuse it rite with the amount of bullyness they gave me. cis hehehe
everybody enjoyed themselves and had fun i requested everyone in the room to sing for me a song or more until the cutting cake part, where i have to make a wish ....
and i wished that my beloved one would be able to join me that nite, coz i've never celebrated my birthday especially with the one i love dearly :)
ANDDDDD the BEST of all!!!! Guess who showed up!!!!
Na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................................... :D:D:D:D
i didnt give shit as i was sooooooooo happieeee that u could never imagine!!!!
he was telling me that he was on the way to meet me, i was like, ur kidding rite, ur kiddin rite!!! until i saw him sitting on the buggy!!!! hahaha and at first i thought he would walk, so i was practically tipping on my toe to look up for a tall guy which has no signs of him! hahaha . for a tall guy like bunnie sitting on the buggy cutely talking to me on the phone and blocking everybody else at the back looks very sexy from afar to me. kekekeke
he always surprises me with stuff and never turn me down.. i REALLY thought he wont be able to make it after his work that he would be tired to stuck in the jam and all.. plus the next day i will be going up to kl to meet him so i dont see the neccesity for he should come back as i will be going up 2moro and i told him many times, u dont have to come back with the trouble n all, it would be tiring..... ahhhhhh guess he didnt listen to me much uh... kekekee but im very VERY VERY happie he made it... its a bonus to finish off my birthday with a big bang!!!! yeahhhhhhH!!! :D:D
BUT i guess i can literally say that MY WISH CAME TRUE :D:D:D:D heheheheheheheh *grins widely*
thanx to everybody that made it for the party :)
and to all the wishers as well i hope i replied everyone of u :)
katie sizzler 7:34 PM
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